Victory Skateboard Truck Kingpins (pack of 2)
How to remove a kingpin from a skateboard trucks:
Things you will need to kingpin from a skateboard trucks:
- Skateboard
- Flat surface
- One-half inch wrench or a skateboard tool
- Damp towel
- Flat tip screwdriver (support)
How to remove a kingpin from a skateboard trucks:
- Place the skateboard deck down. Using the one-half inch wrench or the skateboard tool, loosen the kingpin (bolt that runs through the truck (inward portion). You may need to used a flat tip screwdriver to loosing the absorbers on the kingpin.
- Carefully remove the kingpin, by simply pulling it upward. Use the damp cloth to clean the kingpin and the absorbers. You have successfully removed the kingpin from skateboard trucks.